Can I buy a firearm over the phone or online?

No. All purchases must be made in store, in person. We are not conducting any sales over this website. All sales are completed in accordance with local, state, and Federal laws.

I am from NY/NJ, can I buy from Atlas Arsenal?

Atlas Arsenal conducts all business in accordance with local, state, and Federal law. Out of state buyers can purchase rifles or shotguns that are legal to own in their state, and with documentation in accordance with the law in their state of residence.

Do you offer Gunsmithing?

Yes! The owner is an experienced gunsmith with access to a full array of machines and tools to satisfy all of your needs.

Do you sell NFA items?

As an 07/02 FFL/SOT, Atlas Arsenal is properly licensed to sell and transfer NFA items. The details of this process can best be explained in person- stop by and we can help you out!